Do you still see yourself as 18 and young and cute and full of energy, yet you have grey hairs peeking through the dye job you paid too much for 3 weeks ago? Desirable to all the men you pass as you stop at the red light, even though you drive a Momma-van or SUV? Do you wink at the cute guy who works in your building, thinking you're still the most attrative gal in the office, but he secretly snickers to his age buddies that the old lady down hall is really giving him the creeps?
If you envision yourself as that gal who could still quit her job and be a rock star goddess, complete with adoring fans and a sexy body to go along with it, you probably have the right blog. I am that gal. I admit it. (Oi, that stings) My youth is passed, my future as wife and mom is assured so long as I can keep my husband and 3 kids alive. I have a mortgage, a contract job where I'm required to show up everyday in a professional manner, and so many other duties and obligations that you may tire of reading about them.
Sigh. The hardest part of any 12 step program is the first- admit you have a problem. My problem is that I entered that next age bracket without my mental image of myself changing.
Advice for a new generation? We'll work on that as I continue to watch my waistline thicken as I consume the leftover pb n j sandwich on my 2 year old's tray, my pretties. TTFN!
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